Saturday, November 7, 2009

Do I have to write an outline!

Typically, I shun structure. Something about being forced to do things in a certain order/way makes me want to do it the complete opposite. Up until now I have been avoiding any form of outline and just writing as it comes to me. Well, I caved. It was so completely unintentional. I wrote my outline.

This is the first time in my writing career that I have ever been thrilled with an outline. I blame it all on my English teacher who had scripted our reports to a tee and all we were required to do was rewrite the outline into paragraphs. No wonder I oppose them.

Now my outline isn’t very detailed and would be complete mumbo jumbo to anyone that isn’t inside my head but it gives me a direction to follow and now I know where I am heading.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


So last night I finally broke through my writers block. up until now I have been rewriting the same few paragraphs and not being able to get them right. Last night I just started typing and it was perfect. I got through pages of work and couldn't be happier. Hopefully tonight the kids will got to sleep early and I can pick up where I left off.

I also have made progress on researching agents. I figured since I couldn't write I would research. Now I have some ideas as to where to send my query letter. All that's left to do is finish the book!